Advance Polls are October 6—9 and October 11—15, 2022.     Election Day is October 24, 2022.

Opinion Pieces

Did Political Donations in 2018 Lead to an Approval in 2022?

The Planning and Development Council approved on May 16, 2022, another development in North Oakville. See below the aerial view of the site, and the current Conservation Halton ARL which depicts that a part of this site is within the regulated area. How did this new subdivision get approved with the site being impacted by the regulated area?

There is an indication in the Staff Report that the development application relies on the use of a stormwater management pond, which I would allege is contrary to section 4.6 of the Ontario Technical Guide.

Terry Korsiak of Korsiak Urban Planning prepared the urban plan for this site and would be classified as a developer proponent. Did the political donations received by Mayor Rob Burton and Councillors Jeff Knoll and Marc Grant from Mr. Korsiak in 2018 have an impact on this approval?

Michael Reid
Candidate for Ward 5 Town Councillor

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